Replay 39: EDC: DTS vs TheRetry

6.66 / 1.24c
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Replay Length: 70 mins approx.

Game Comments
- TheRetry and are different names of the same team.
- Awesome conversion kill by Enigma at 7:50 approx (to kill Rexxar)
- Quite a nice match overall. :)

To enjoy Luminous' commentary on the match (Youtube video), bring some popcorns and click here.

- I didn't notice if it was too much laggy for them but the early game performances of Earthshaker and Nevermore were poor. ES's wrong fissures caused Lion and Mangix to eat quite a lot magic damage from pugna-crixalis but they succeeded in taking first blood :P.
- Late game Nevermore was decent but early game he missed kills just because of a few poor shadowrazes =/
- Admiral played quite good specially in lane facing Mirana.

Recommended game for kunkka, mangix and mirana.
Winner :: TheRetry


  1. I jz watch the replay ..
    Mangix and kunkka item build is quite interest !
    refresh orb and lothar ..

    Anyway , a lot nice battle screen I can found in the replay ..

  2. Kuroky once justified the use of Lothars saying that it gives Kunkka BURST Splash damage.

    Kuroky's words...

    I decided to go for Lothars for mass burst damage. Lothars + Battlefury gives insane dmg output on the first hit, I made Phaseboots for the extra +24 dmg.

    (Link: )

  3. not bad too .. / Best ganking styleeeeee!

    In my opinion , lothars for kunkka is luxury item :p
