Good Bye Epic Dota Replays!

Hello everyone, this is Phoenix bidding a good bye to my dearest blog, epic dota replays. I started this blog as an attempt to filter out the best dota games for the dota community perhaps reviewing, summarizing and explaining the master-plans of international teams. I don't know if I was able to entertain you all but it was the best effort from my side.

My college ends this month and then I'll be joining a job in the last week. The time I spend on Dota would surely decrease and this means no more time for blogging. Although this doesn't mean I'm leaving dota, I'll be available on the official PlayDota forums, profile link and will continue to contribute there.

Thanks to everyone who stuck with me till the very end, the most special of these being DarkMedina, Luminous48, Darthozzan, Troll and the so many viewers of my blog. An obvious thanks to Icefrog for Dota and the new hero Phoenix. :D These 8 months I spent making this blog were a very pleasurable experience and I hope it was the same for you guys too. :)

Bye for now. Have fun in life and go play some dotaaaaaa............ ;)