Replay 85: WDC: LGD.sgty vs

1.24e / 6.69c

Game Played: 11-Nov-2010
Game Length: 67:40 min

Yet another masterpiece from the Group D of WDC!

!!! Farming Game Alert !!!
Haters of full game ricing game do not watch this game :P

I'll give a virtual cookie to anyone who explains me why LGD.sgty picked specifically Gondar for this match?

Recommended Game for Storm Spirit, Gondar. [This does not mean Gondar won the game for the Sentinel, it was their teamwork. Why I'm recommending this game for Gondar is because I want one to come across this replay when they're searching the net for one. :) ]
Winner :: LGD.sgty


  1. hahaha the part about gondar not winning the game:p was aimed at me right:p...
    anyway why gondar!!!!
    well maybe because gondar fitted perfectly into LGD armor reduction strategy being a carry that can reduce armor "after banning nevermore that is"...i mean it was either him or weaver or lenaya and i think he is the better choice since being melee meant he can life leach off rexxar's vlademere...his track could counter in the movement speed svens warcry to catch any escaping hero and there is also the psychological aspect of always fearing that gondar is near that forced nirvana ino a turtelling strategy which in turn gave alchemist all the time needed to become imba.
    anyway armor reduction worked wonders in a team based on physical damage between v.s. alchemist gondar and assault we have a total off -21 armor which meant that wild axes acid spray and unstable concoction as well as gondar's jinada would be really really really painfull on nirvana's hero's who were most low health low armor intelligence heroes.
    Not to mention that gondar really forced nirvana to spend a lot of gold on gyms dust and wards:)
    now i have a question why would gondar start the game with only pms item no tangoos no nothing ...kind of noobish i think... i dont know if u have an answer let me know:D...

  2. imo he pms because he kno he gonna lane against puck ( very low base dmg ) and his dmg wont count for shit against pms. by the time puck's nuke got stronger, he was sure he could farm a ring of health

    And yes im a bronze league player

  3. @Ramee
    That's exatcly the reason they picked him. The Scourge heroes was full of INT heroes which have low armor.
    Here, have a cookie...

    I'm not really sure why Gondar bought that PMS first of all. But probably he planned to out-harass the opponent by using wind walk again n again. It was even more weird as he did not buy regen items when he came back home. So, it's completely \_('-')_/

    But anyways, did not think the team that won would win :D

  4. "Why did they pick Gondar?"

    After a lot of thought, I decided that the captain missclicked. No other logical explanation...

  5. well thanx for the cookie i guess:p....
    and i was also surprised by the ending of the game but it is what it is...
    btw i recommend this game

    really unique picks and a really thrilling to watch:D...even if it is like an hour and a half

    hahaha @ fookas i love ur simple yet doesnt explain why he didnt buy regeneration items when he returned to base!!!

  6. @Fooskas
    Well, it was an important tournament match so I don't think they mis-clicked or just picked him for fun. :P

    I'll watch that game as soon as I get the time to. BTW, by what name are you on GosuGamers?

  7. the replay ramee has talked about is seriously epic... I mean a total of about 150 kills o.O is really something

  8. @ dishank
    yeah really something...
    btw did u see the 3 reapers on sniper:p...his cs where about 1000 lane and neutrals by the end

  9. ramee on GosuGamers...
    Member since 28 November 2010
    Joke? :P

  10. sadly its not a joke:s...a few months ago i opened my account in a pub was playing there with some friends(we kicked their asses btw) after that i could no longer sign in someone stole it dont know how but they changed the user name and password everything basically...
    after that i got busy didnt bother creating a new one till u asked me about my gosu account

    sad really....btw love the changes to the page:)

  11. Troll is bakkkkkk
    WTF!! Nv.Cherry is the fav to win SMM ? what kind of idiots r u guys!?
    a typical pgg vs dts
    pretty good

    and Nv.Cherry?? Who the hell is voting for them ? Just because they won wdc ( ehome got cheated out ) doesn't mean they're worth shit

  12. LGD VS EHOME !! EPIC!!


    and of course, as always.
    Ehome > All
    nuff said
