Replay 16: Aeon vs MCiTY

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I was laughing when this game ended. :D

One thing I loved about this game was Centaur and Tiny pick. They're not that often picked in the current metagame as I thought they would be. Anyways, Aeon won with an unconventional line-up and that Centaur was really a pain for MCiTY! I guess Satanic's the replacement for an HoT. lolz.
Also, Farmed Morph fails again! (Remember the last MYM vs Fnatic Legendary Game?)

lol moments of the game with approximate timings:
[12:00] Centaur surrounded by Rylai, Lanaya, Sand King and Puck flees with the help of a tp scroll. Awesome timing I must say! He escaped by teleporting a lot of times in the game. lol
[14:22] Rylai having a stroll top lane? I guess she was searching for a target but wasn't it dangerous? I mean she could have been dead herself without any help nearby. You'll understand what I'm saying if you noticed the thing. (Do tell me is you've an explanation)

Have fun! Go watch the replay if you haven't till now. :)

Recommended game for Bradwarden.

Winner :: Aeon


  1. please re-up the replay, although has signed up the forum, I can't access the link !

    1. Well, I checked and it is downloadable even without logging into PlayDota. Anyways, I've uploaded a copy of the replay on Google Drive, hope it works... let me know.
