Replay 83: WDC: LGD.sgty vs MYM

1.24e / 6.69c

Game Played: 18-Nov-2010
Game Length: 76:45 min
(Actual Game length was around 50 mins only)

With more than 50 replays of the WDC Tournament itself, I'm happy there are people to recommend me the most awesome games of them all. :) Even though I haven't seen all the WDC Replays but, this one was easily one of the best and surely epic!

In this match, LGD starts off with a probable turtle line-up, well detected and ruined by MYM as they ban the orthodox turtle carries Medusa and Sniper. Can the surprise pick Magina take on the 4 INT line-up? Or will MYM end the game early with their massive pushers and mobile fountain (Necrolyte for hp, Maiden for mp)? Enjoy the massive clash between the two Veteran teams. :)

Magina was a brilliant pick by LGD. A farmed Magina can easily take on INT carries and his blink skill proved out to be a very good counter to Alchemist's Unstable Concoction. Also, check out Earthshaker using echo slam on only creeps just to farm for Dagger as team LGD realize MYM is pushing too quick to handle. :D

Recommended Game for Alchemist, Earthshaker.
Winner :: LGD.sgty

1 comment:

  1. finally a professional magina game where he reached his full power:)...and truly a brilliant pick by LGD.
    MYM had 3 actual disable btw batrider's lasso and cm frost bite and alchemist unstable concuction and magina can naturally counter 2 of them just by blinking.
    also picking magina meant that LGD needed to insure having enough anti pushing power which they achieved easily by death wards power shots and fissure.
    Batrider's dagger and laso was a smart attempt at weakening LGD defense but vengfull was always ready with the life saving swap.
    really i never did get why magina wasnt that seen in professional games i mean he is a great carry that has an escape mechanism natural high damage because of his low low low base attack time and mana burn and with battle fury can easily outfarm any he has all qualities needed in a carry
