Replay 69: ADC IV: Razer.3gp vs StarsBoba

1.24e / 6.68c

Game Played: 8-Sep-10
Game Length: 62:37 min

Lights... Camera... n..... !!! ACTION !!!

IMBA Gameplay, imba fights, totally mind-blowing moves by both the teams! Entertainment unlimited! Just loved it! :D
Although Kunkka's game was truly amazing, I can't stop thinking if a BKB on him (replacing the Urn) would've won them the game? o.O 

Recommended Game for Kunkka, Mirana, Storm Spirit and Slardar.
Winner :: StarsBoba.Gigabyte


  1. It's great to see an Indian replay being posted here! :)

  2. lack of bkb for the scourge. gg


  3. T.T ....kunkka!!!!! why u dun BKB!!!!! T.T huhuhuhu
